Trojan is a program of undercover as a normal file, but once executed weather damage. The difference trojan blm dpt mereplikasi himself.
Worms do the program using the network weaknesses and security for mereplikasi himself. Results replicate this computer will search for other sentient diinfeksi, and then re-breed.
various virus attacked you based on:
- Boot sector viruses: the boot record, MBR, FAT, and the partition table.
- virus file: a file a certain attack.
- macro virus: the program you run the macro spt word, excel, access.
- companion virus files: work in DOS
- virus cluster: change directory information, shg akan execution data in the file referring to the virus.
- virus batch file: the file. BAT
- virus cource code: insert code into the source code program.
various based on how the virus works
- sparse infector: using techniques menginfeksi only files with certain conditions.
- Stealth virus: able to enlarge the size of the file is not detected shg
- multipartite virus: virus resoluble do some combination of multi-infection teknik2 existing
- virus encryption: encryption code has a code to disguise the viral
- virus polimorfis: motile signaturenya, shg difficult dikenali AV
- armored virus: I use techniques berlapis2, usually large.
- cavity (spacefiller) virus: insert code into a file accessible shg time, page file will execute the virus code first.
- tunneling virus: create a kind of alley to avoid the AV
- camouflage virus: AV exploit weaknesses I rely on signature databases.
Signs exposed to the virus:
- AV mendetek the virus.
- Computer becomes slow, often crash, restart, out of memory
- AV plump damaged you, disable and enable ga bs in the back.
- plump your computer infested with strange files.
- plump drive supplied preformatted data2 or you lost.
- Dialog boxes appear / message boxes
- Icon appears ga I have relationships with the program I had you install
- Blg what your friends you have dng send an email attachment, usually extnya. Exe,. Bat,. Scr, and. Vbs, but you do not feel has been send.
Trojan and worm viruses including category, so STEP 2 and prevent it together.
How to prevent:
- I use the AV real time scanner
- Scan all the files first before the new executable.
- I use a secure browser
- Do not visit the web .. do u know it
- Dont recklessly opened the attachment, the files do you download / file sharing. Should scan the executable before.
- do not let someone you trust 100% to use your computer.
- Backup all data, including registry.
- OS tighten security, updates, patches, settings do bener.
- Use a firewall. We recommend you have a filter file2 ext as follows:
- . API = Acrobat plugin
- . BAT batch file =
- . = BPL Borland Package Libraries
- . = Compiled CHM html help
- . COM = command file
- . CPL = Windows control panel extension
- . DLL = dynamic link library
- . Dpl = Delphi Package library
- . = Drv Device driver
- . EXE = Windows executeable
- . Hta = hyper text application
- . JS = java script
- . OCX = Object linking and embedding control
- . = PIF program information file
- . pl = pearl script
- . = SCR screen saver program
- . SHS = shell scrap object file
- . SYS = system configuration file
- . = Vbs visual basic script
- . VBE = encoded visual basic script
- . = VXD virtual device driver
- . WMA = windows media audio
- . WSF = windows script file
- . WSH = windows script host settings
- . = redhat rpm package manager
- . sh = shell script
need to remember everything ext above program is evil. So it's in the firewall settings in order to provide notification when there is a file with ext over I want to go to the computer.
How to:
- Scan with the AV you have update, use safe mode when the virus still be naughty.
- no catch, try to use online AV. Use the online scanner you different from the AV do you use the computer.
- Use the special removal tool. To download the bs in the following link2.
- If you use Norton GoBack / Deep Freeze program ato image, be grateful, to live in goback to the virus before infection. Special DF, immediately restart your computer.
- If for example all the way over ga bs, try the email to aja "", who is dependable gift. also to ""
How to select good AV
- see frequensi upate, the more the better cepet, liat jg responnya thdp new virus appears.
- Resource needs, the more light the good of course, what make you computer ud , this never considered.
- Complete protection, is there any anti trojan, worm? have also firewallnya? cek email? etc.
- Cost, the cheaper the more ya do it
- It's real time scanning, kalo ga jgn should have chosen. Kalo ga bs or made as a backup AV ke2
- Ability repair / heal infected files do.
- Support. How is the quality of service?
Buat yang belum paham ttg VIRUS
Virus adalah sebuah program yg dapat menggandakan dirinya dan menyebar dengan cara menyusupkan dirinya ke program lain.
Trojan adalah sebuah program yg menyamar sebagai file biasa, namun begitu dieksekusi dpt merusak. Bedanya trojan blm dpt mereplikasi dirinya sendiri.
Worms bagian program yg menggunakan kelemahan network dan keamanan komputer untuk mereplikasi dirinya. Hasil replikasi ini akan mencari komputer lain yg dpt diinfeksi, dan kemudian kembali berkembang biak.
Macam2 virus berdasarkan yg diserang :
- virus boot sector : menyerang boot record, MBR, FAT, dan partition table.
- file virus : menyerang sebuah file tertentu.
- virus makro : menyerang program yg menjalankan makro spt word, excel, access.
- companion file virus : bekerja di dalam DOS
- virus cluster : mengubah informasi direktori, shg eksekusi data akan di arahkan ke file virus.
- virus batch file : menyerang file .BAT
- virus cource code : menyisipkan code ke dalam source code program.
Macam2 virus berdasar cara kerjanya
- sparse infector : menggunakan teknik hanya menginfeksi file dgn kondisi tertentu.
- virus stealth : mampu memperbesar ukuran file shg tidak terdeteksi
- virus multipartite : virus yg dpt melakukan multi infeksi dg gabungan teknik2 yg ada
- virus enkripsi : memiliki kode enkripsi untuk menyamarkan kode viral
- virus polimorfis : dpt mengubah signaturenya, shg sulit dikenali AV
- armored virus : menggunakan teknik yg berlapis2, biasanya berukuran besar.
- cavity(spacefiller) virus : menyisipkan code ke dalam suatu file shg saat diakses, file tsb akan mengeksekusi code virus terlebih dahulu.
- tunneling virus : membuat semacam lorong untuk menghindari AV
- camouflage virus : memanfaatkan kelemahan AV yg mengandalkan signature database.
Tanda2 terkena virus:
- AV mendetek adanya virus.
- Komputer menjadi lambat, sering crash, restart, out of memory
- AV anda tiba2 rusak, disable dan ga bs di aktifkan kembali.
- Tiba2 komputer anda penuh dgn file2 aneh.
- Tiba2 drive anda terformat atau data2 anda hilang.
- Muncul dialog boxes/ message boxes
- Muncul icon yg ga ada hubungan dgn program yg pernah anda instal
- Teman anda blg kalo anda telah mengirim email dng attachment, biasanya extnya .exe, .bat, .scr , and .vbs, namun anda tidak merasa telah mengirim.
Trojan dan worm termasuk kategori virus, jadi langkah2 mencegah dan mengatasinya sama.
Cara mencegah :
- Gunakan AV yg real time scanner( inget di update yg rajin ^_^)
- Scan terlebih dahulu semua file baru sebelum dieksekusi.
- Gunakan browser yg aman
- Jangan mengunjungi web yg..u know lah ^_^
- Jgn sembarangan membuka attachment, file yg anda download/ file sharing. Sebaiknya di scan terlebih dahulu sebelum dieksekusi.
- Jgn biarkan seseorang yg tidak anda percayai 100% menggunakan komputer anda.
- Backup semua data, termasuk registry.
- Perkuat OS security, update, patch, setting yg bener.
- Gunakan firewall. Sebaiknya filter file2 yg memiliki ext sbb :
- .API = Acrobat plugin
- .BAT = file batch
- .BPL = Borland Package Libraries
- .CHM = compiled html help
- .COM = command file
- .CPL = Windows control panel extension
- .DLL = dynamic link library
- .DPL = Delphi Package library
- .DRV = Device driver
- .EXE = Windows executeable
- .HTA = hyper text application
- .JS = java script
- .OCX = Object linking and embedding control
- .PIF = program information file
- .pl = pearl script
- .SCR = screen saver program
- .SHS = shell scrap object file
- .SYS = system configuration file
- .VBS = visual basic script
- .VBE = visual basic encoded script
- .VXD = virtual device driver
- .WMA = windows media audio
- .WSF = windows script file
- .WSH = windows script host setting
- .rpm = redhat package manager
- .sh = shell script
Cara mengatasi :
Scan dengan AV yg sudah terupdate, gunakan safe mode apabila virus masih membandel.
Ga mempan, coba gunakan AV online. Gunakan online scanner yg berbeda dari AV yg anda pakai di komputer.
Gunakan removal tool khusus. Untuk download bs di link2 berikut.
Apabila anda menggunakan Norton GoBack/ Deep Freeze ato program image, bersyukurlah, tinggal di balikin aja ke keadaan sebelum terinfeksi virus. Khusus DF, langsung restart aja kompienya
Kalo misalnya segala cara diatas ga bs, coba aja di email ke "", siapa tau dpt hadiahnya. Atau bs juga ke " "
Cara memilih AV yg baik
- Liat frequensi upate, semakin cepet semakin baik, liat jg responnya thdp virus yg baru muncul.
- Kebutuhan resource, makin ringan makin bagus tentunya, tp buat yg komputernya ud kueren, hal ini ga usah dipertimbangkan.
- Kelengkapan proteksi, apakah ada anti trojan,worm? ada firewallnya juga? ngecek email? dll
- Biaya, makin murah ya makin bagus dunk
- Ada real time scanning, kalo ga ada sebaiknya jgn dipilih. Atau kalo ga bs dijadikan backup sebagai AV ke2
- Kemampuan reparasi/heal file yg terinfeksi.
- Support. Bagaimana kualitas layanan?
- Moga2 bs membantu member lain dalam memilih AV yg dia perlukan.
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